What is a Desert Pop Up? You pick your mate, you pick your date and let us create, your day, your way.
When we got together to start Desert Pop Up, 3 years ago, our manifesto included just a few things: to have fun, to work with friends, to serve our eloping couples in the most personal & sincere way, & to have the creative freedom that tiny weddings bring. Tiny weddings and elopements in the middle of the desert.
Two mama. One who starts with coffee in the AM, an the other who ends the day with a whiskey in the PM. Both desert transplants, Kodak film lovers, tiny wedding enthusiasts, and both who savor the quiet solitude of desert style.
Desert Pop Up @desertpopup as a way to help couples find and express their unique voice in a world of high guest counts, ballroom receptions, big band first dances, calligraphy everything, 20 person wedding parties and the traditional social media worthy weddings. Instead, we believe -- not everything has to be the way that it is always done.
You, your love, and the air and sky around us.
Our weddings base package DESERT FLASH comes with photography + planning + officiant + decor details, everything you need to create the perfect styled runaway. Then you choose, via ala carte each additional element important to you. Our ALL IN package covers it all, flowers, hair +makeup, a newlywed nook picnic, champagne to pop and cake to eat.
We gather the deserts best known and favorite vendor partners to make it all happen, about you, for you.

CHRISTINA @matthewdavidstudio
TRISH @thewalkdowntheaisle
together as @desertpopup
...... and we'll let you guess who drinks the coffee and who drinks the whiskey
things to consider with a tiny wedding

no strict timelines⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
You wont have a strictly enforced agenda for the day and last minute changes or plans are welcome. Wanna scrap one location for another....sure! Stop for a beer at the local watering hole? Sure! Go for an extra little hike to see the views from Joshua Tree? Sure! The only thing we have to do on this day - is to get you two married - preferably while its still light - out - but we've done it near the end of dusk as well. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
here for more pop up elopement & tiny wedding info
tiny yet magnificent⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
A lot of things are put aside on a traditional wedding day due to that dreaded B word: BUDGET. A wildly luxurious massive bouquet...that videographer you've been IG stalking...that super dreamy airbnb... a vintage car and driver? When you go tiny, all those wonderful options that were at one point not in consideration, suddenly become a feasible option - because you aren't paying $300 a person x 150 people. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
your way, your highway⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
we've heard (and experienced personally) the words "my mother would cringe if I wore that" and "my in laws think tacos aren't a suitable wedding meal" Well, guess what - we think this rule applies to all weddings but still, our only rule is ....... ITS.YOUR.WEDDING. OH wait we have one more rule ... THERE ARE NO RULES It happens, very naturally, that everyone will have an opinion on how your wedding day should roll out. We get it! That's the love of having family - they are looking towards what they feel are your best interests. But the golden rule about elopements and tiny weddings is that you will be getting hitched - completely and totally on your own whims, vision, and desires. Since its just the two of you...you can do whatever the hell you want - from the color of your gown, suit, or t shirt - to your wedding meal - to what your ceremony will be like. When it comes to a Desert Popup, opinions and judgement from others are lost to the wind. ⠀